Sabtu, 04 April 2015

Subject, Verb Agreement

Pengertian Subject-Verb Agreement
Subject-verb agreement adalah persesuaian antara verb (kata kerja) dengan subject kalimat dalam hal number, yaitu: singular (tunggal) atau plural (jamak). Subjek dapat berupa noun (kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti), atau konstruksi lain yang berakting sebagai noun, seperti gerund dan infinitive. Pada dasarnya, singular subject (subjek tunggal) menggunakan singular verb (kata kerja tunggal), sedangkan plural subject (subjek jamak) menggunakan plural verb (kata kerja jamak).
Subject-Verb Agreement (Umum)
Secara umum pada bentuk present tense, singular verb berupa base form (bentuk dasar) dari verb dengan ditambahkan ending (akhiran) -s. Adapun pada plural verb tanpa ditambahkan ending -s (sebaliknya, plural subject ditambahkan ending -s). Aturan kata kerja ini berlaku pula pada subjek berupa third person (orang ketiga, contoh: Ricky, Anna) dan semua personal pronoun (they, we= jamak; he, she, it= tunggal), kecuali I dan you. Walaupun berupa subjek tunggal, I dan you dipasangkan dengan kata kerja bentuk jamak (tidak termasuk verb “be” (was, am) pada “I”).
Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement [subject= bold; verb= italic]:
The sun rises. (Matahari terbit.)
The sun rises. (Matahari terbit.)
The stars shine. (Bintang bersinar.)
Leo rarely eats white bread. (Leo jarang makan roti putih.)
You go straight ahead then turn left.
(Kamu jalan lurus ke depan lalu belok kiri.)
Namun jika ada helping verb, maka helping verb-nya yang berubah sedangkan main verb dalam bentuk dasar (base form verb). Pilihan helping verb dalam bentuk tunggal-jamak-nya adalah is-are, does-do, dan has-have. Khusus untuk has-have, agreement tidak berlaku jika kata tersebut merupakan second helping verb atau digunakan dibelakang helping verb lainnya.
Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement [subject= bold; verb= italic; helping verb= underline]:
My boss always comes on time.
(Bos saya selalu datang tepat waktu.)
They like eating out. (Mereka suka makan diluar.)
He is working. (Dia sedang bekerja.)
I do submit the task. (Saya harus mengirimkan tugas tersebut.)
The manager has checked the documents.
(Manager telah mengecek dokumen-dokumen tersebut.)
will have been sleeping for an hour when you arrive.
(Saya akan sudah tidur selama satu jam ketika kamu tiba.)
Sedangkan pada past tense, tidak ada perbedaan bentuk kata kerja dalam hal number (tunggal atau jamak)  jika tidak ada helping verb, yaitu: was-were.
Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement [subject= bold; helping verb= underline]:
The cat was sleeping. (Kucing itu sedang tidur.)
We were roasting corn. (Kita sedang membakar jagung.)
She drove fast. (Dia mengebut.) TIDAK BERLAKU
Adapun jika kata kerja yang digunakan berupa linking verb, maka isam (khusus I), was (past tense) digunakan oleh singular subject, sedangkan are dan were (past tense) oleh plural subject.
Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement [subject= bold; linking verb= italic]:
Ricky is smart. (Ricky pintar.)
The children are naughty. (Anak-anak itu nakal.)
I was a stamp collector. (Saya dulu pengoleksi prangko.)
My books were borrowed by him. (Buku-buku saya dipinjam dia.)
Permasalahan pada Subject-Verb Agreement
Subject-verb agreement menjadi membingungkan ketika  dihadapkan pada persoalan seperti: subjek berupa collective noun, compound subject, plural form dengan makna singular, dan indefinite pronoun. Selain itu, ada pula phrase atau clause yang menyela subjek dan kata kerja sehingga cukup dapat membingungkan didalam penentuan agreement-nya.
Berikut penjelasan dan beberapa contoh subject-verb agreement. [Subject= bold; verb, linking= italic; helping verb= underline]
Subject-Verb Agreement
Contoh Subject-Verb Agreement
Collective Noun
Collective noun merupakan kata benda yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu nama kumpulan (terdiri dari lebih dari satu anggota). Sebagai subjek, kata benda ini dapat singular atau plural tergantung konteks.Jika anggota kumpulan melakukan hal yang sama secara serentak, maka kata benda ini dianggap sebagai suatu kesatuan subjek dengan singular verb.
Sebaliknya, bila anggota dari kumpulan bertindak secara individual, maka dianggap sebagai subjek jamak dengan kata kerja yang jamak pula.
The team is going
on holiday now.
[Artinya: Para anggota team sedang pergi berlibur (bersama-sama)
The team are going
on holiday now.
[Artinya: Para anggota tim sedang berlibur (masing-masing) sekarang.]

Soal dan Jawaban:
1.    Septina and I … baking sponge cakes at this time yesterday.
Were : Dua atau lebih subjek yang dihubungkan dengan AND menggunakan plural verb.

2. Whether to buy or rent a house … an important financial question.
Is : Dua atau lebih singular subjek dihubungkan dengan OR menggunakan singular verb.

3.  … Tika or her co-workers sleep at work?
Does : Verb disesuaikan dengan compound subjek (menggunakan OR) yang terdekat posisinya dengannya, apakah singular atau plural.

4. Physics … been my favorite subject since I was 15 years old.
Has : Cabang keilmuan dengan ending -ics bermakna singular sehingga diikuti singular verb.

5. Mumps usually … through saliva.
Spreads : Nama penyakit dengan ending -s seperti measles atau mumps bermakna singular sehingga menggunakan singular verb.

6. My shears … sharp enough.
Aren’t:  Subject berupa benda dengan dua bagian pada satu kesatuan membutuhkan plural verb.

7. Eighty percentage of his furniture … old.
Is : Noun setelah “… percentage of” (fractional expression) menentukan apakah diikuti oleh singular atau plural verb.

8. There … many ways to say “thank you”.
Are : There bukan subject. Subject muncul seteah verb to be, yaitu: ways. Verb to be disesuaikan dengan subject, apakah singular atau plural.

9. One of her cats … like tuna.
Doesn’t : Verb disesuaikan dengan subject (one), bukan prepositional phrase diantaranya.

10. The central office manager, along with his two assistant, … left the room.
Has :  “along with” digunakan bersama subjek tanpa menambah jumlah.

Referensi :

Subject, Verb, Complement and Modifier

·         Subject 
The Subject is the agent of the sentence in the active Voice. Subject is the person or thing that does the action of the sentence, and subject normally precedes the verb.
Note: Every sentence in English must have a Subject
e.g.      Coffee is delicious
Milk contains calcium

The subject may be a noun phrase. A noun phrase is a group of words ending with a noun. (it CANNOT begin with a preposition).
e.g.      The book is on the table
            That new red car is John’s

In some sentences there is not a true subject. However it and there can often act as pseudo-subjects and should be considered as subjects.
e.g.      It is a nice day today
There was a fire in that building last month

·         Verb
The Verb follows the subject, it generally shows the action
of the sentence.
Note: Every sentence must have a verb
e.g.      John drives too fast
They hate spinach

The verb may be a verb phrase. A verb Phrase consists of one or more auxiliaries and one main
verb. The auxiliaries always precede the main verb.
e.g.      John is going to Miami tomorrow
(auxiliary is; main verb going)
Jane has been reading that book
(auxiliary has, been; main verb reading)

·         Complement
A complement completes the verb. It is similar to the subject because it is usually a noun or noun phrase, However, it generally follows the verb when the sentence is in the active voice.
Note:Every sentence does not require a complement.
The complement CANNOT begin with a preposition.
e.g.      He was smoking a cigarette
John bought a cake yesterday

·         Modifier
Modifier tells the time, place or manner of the action. Very often it is a prepositional Phrase. Prepositional Phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun.
Note: A modifier of time usually comes last if more than one modifier is present.
e.g.      of prepositional phrases
            in the morning, at the university, on the table

A modifier can also be an adverb or an adverbial phrase: Last night, hurriedly, next year, outdoors, yesterday
e.g.      John bought a book at the bookstore
                                                            modifier of place
Jill was swimming in the pool yesterday
                                         modifier of place   modifier of time
The modifier normally follows the complement, but not always. However, the modifier, especially when it is a prepositional phrase, usually cannot separate the verb and the complement.
e.g.      She drove the car on the street
       verb    complement

Exercise 1
Identify the subject, verb, complement and modifier in each of the following sentence. Remember that not every sentence has a complement or modifier.
Example: Jill / is buying / a new hat / in the store
              subject  verb phrase   complement     modifier of place

1. George is cooking dinner tonight
2. Henry and Marcia have visited the president
3. We eat lunch in this restaurant today
4. Pat should have bought gasoline yesterday
5. Trees grow
6. It was raining at seven o’clock this morning
7. She opened her book
8. Harry is washing dishes right now
9. She opened her book
10. Paul, William, and Marry were watching television a few minutes ago.

1. George/ is cooking/ dinner /tonight
(subject) (verb phrase) (complement) (modifier of time)
2. Henry and Marcia/ have visited/ the president
(subject) (verb phrase) (complement)
3. We /eat/ lunch /in this restaurant /today
(subject) (verb phrase) (complement) (modifier of place)(modifier of time)
4. Pat /should have bought /gasoline /yesterday
(subject) (verb phrase) (complement) (modifier of time)
5. Trees /grows
(subject) (verb phrase)
6. It/ was raining /at seven o’clock this morning
(subject) (verb phrase) (modifier of time)
7. She /opened /her book
(subject) (verb phrase) (complement)
8. Harry /is washing /dishes /right now
(subject) (verb phrase) (complement) (modifier of time)
9. She /opened /her book
(subject) (verb phrase) (complement)
10. Paul, William, and Marry/ were watching /television /a few minutes ago
(subject) (verb phrase) (complement) (modifier of time)

Referensi :